Saturday, April 18, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Red Day

Been a while since i've witnessed such a sky. Lore of the rings describes it as the sky before a bloodshed. People living by the shore call it a sailors delight. But for people living in the equatorial region of the Asian continent, it comes as more of a shock. Especially considering its mid summer. Shockingly its been raining since two days. The global warning freakshows must be having a field day busy predicting dooms day. But for now i suppose all we can do is to take pleasure witnessing such beauty in calamity. And possibly... maybe... give your car a nice overhaul for all that smoke(Don't bother denying, buddy, India, and i've got the updated list of acceptable killshot techniques)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Harry sPotter

My own little garden variety wizard