Friday, August 14, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
A Red Day

Been a while since i've witnessed such a sky. Lore of the rings describes it as the sky before a bloodshed. People living by the shore call it a sailors delight. But for people living in the equatorial region of the Asian continent, it comes as more of a shock. Especially considering its mid summer. Shockingly its been raining since two days. The global warning freakshows must be having a field day busy predicting dooms day. But for now i suppose all we can do is to take pleasure witnessing such beauty in calamity. And possibly... maybe... give your car a nice overhaul for all that smoke(Don't bother denying, buddy, India, and i've got the updated list of acceptable killshot techniques)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wouldn't want to ruin this moment my nephew was having by commenting on introspection or human nature. Keep in mind, he's a 2 year old kid, and this was 6 o'clock on a rather cold and quiet mornng.
Just take a breath, Clear your mind and look at the picture.....Ssssshhh.
Don't tell me you can't relate to this sentiment!
I've always hated kids. The noise, the annoying behaviour and their ability to resort to uncontrollable weeping until every sane nerve in my body bursts open. And my policy to deal with kids year after year has always been "Flush'em..... Flush'em down the toilet!". And as an added perk you get the "oh! a child changes everything, he's the apple of my eye" every-damn-where you go. And this is not just from over-zealous parents, but right from the grandmom who can barely manage to pick the kid up right to the self invited neighbours who suddenly decide to become blood relatives to the family and swear protection to the kid through the time he was trying to walk up until he can finally say "oh god, just go away". Don Corleone wouldn't stand a chance against Indians in becoming Godfather. I never really understood the general fascination that people seem to share when it came to kids. And my sister didn't do much to help that either. With the constant "Your life becomes different yada yada yada yada....". I mean common, all they do is eat, poop and sleep.
But on that day, he just stood there with his face against the cold morning glass pane for more than 15 minutes. A rare accomplishment for my nephew cause he can barely hold still for 10 seconds without finding a disturbing source to let his energy out. And he just stood there, him and his reflection, looking at each other. So many thoughts ran in my head at that very moment. It was as if each thought brought with it a fascinating truth and the harder i tried to pick one, the faster it faded in memory. I have rarely been faced with a view of such splendor probably cause i never stopped to look around, but rarely never-the-less. So desperate was I, in my hollow little world, to find meaning or perhaps even a glimpse of truth about what the moment held for me, so excited was i to be in the face of a possible life changing euphemism, to a possible understanding of life itself so much that i even came to peace with the idea that i might join the likes of the million people who show unconditional love towards kids. So eager was I, that it took me a while to grasp that it wasn't what the moment held for ME or what truth it brought with it, but it was the moment itself!
That moment, my god, what a moment, of complete innocence, oblivious to the world around, to the shouting mother searching for him, the angry father holding the kids pants in the cold morning, to the annoying uncle staring at him in awe, to the waking homeless outside hoping to eat today, to the heavy construction of a skyscraper going on a distance away, to the people injured in an accident on the road ahead, to the eager youth suited up hoping to find a job despite the recession, to the girl fighting for her life after being stabbed by her lover, to the mourning families in mumbai, to the approaching tsunami ready to take a million lives, to the mother wondering if her only son will ever be back from an unnecessary war, to entire nations that look in pain through smoke and rubble wondering if they'll ever see a better tomorrow, to the whole world that moves from darkness to light, changing seasons, for a time once more. My god! What a moment!
This is it isn't it, not the cuteness, the chubby cheeks, or the big round eyes that kids have, but this, the innocence, which makes them so special. And to think we inflict these kids with a disease that eats up their innocence, perhaps losing it is life itself and we are left with only an appreciation of what we once had but how can we stand in the face of such freedom and still disappear into the everyday crowd. I inevitably have to come down to human nature because it explains the attraction that we have towards the things we have lost. Although the reasons might differ, the conclusion is defiantly the same. I'm guessing there's not one person in this world who hasn't been witness to such magnanimous display worthy of godly pleasures, maybe not in a position to pinpoint the feeling themselves but experienced it never the less. Although there's little many people know about me and fact being there's little I know about myself, you must trust me when i say this, although i've claimed a million times to have been witness to such glamours of nature, trying to show i can still feel something bigger than myself, this is the first time I truly felt a smile on my face. The day i REALLY smiled. It wasn't big in appearance, but what it bought along with it was simply too grand to forget. And this 857KB, 2048x1536, jpeg image is a reminder of that day which will forever hold a special place in my heart, for the very first time.
I'm so jealous of my nephew right now!....... man!!! I HATE kids!!!!!!!!!!
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